2019 Illinois PGA Fall Pro Assistant Championship

The Evolve Golf Total Driving Challenge was held on the challenging hole #3. A 409 yard Par 4 that had deep fairway bunkers to the left and right of the fairway, waiting to find any wayward drives. Players that hit long and straight were rewarded with a wedge to a slightly elevated green. Throughout the day there was a slight breeze coming into the players face made it a little more difficult for players.

Third place in the Total Driving Challenge after ranking distances and accuracy went to Julian Thompson, with a 286 yard drive, just one yard off of center. In 2nd place was Chris Loriatti, with a 288 yard drive, just one yard off of center. 1st place went to Justin Pollock with a 289 yard drive, just off of center of the fairway. 

1st Place: Justin Pollock 

2nd Place: Chris Loriatti

3rd Place: Julian Thompson 

To view the full results of the Total Driving Challenge click here. 

We would like to thank Ian Brown and the Butterfield staff for hosting us, the course was in fantastic shape! We would also like to thank Brad Slocum and the ILPGA Staff for another wonderfully run event. We love coming to the Fall Pro-Assistant and look forward to coming for years to come.

Just over a year and half ago, we launched our Wood Tees that Plant Tree program with Project Good Woods. A project in collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation, where a portion of every sale goes towards helping areas damaged in the clubs region. Learn more about Project Good Wood.

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