2014 Carolinas PGA Pro-Pro Championship Total Driving Challenge Results

2014 Evolve Golf Total Distance Challenge
The season ending edition of the 2014 Evolve Golf Total Distance Challenge took place on the 9th hole of Pinehurst #4. The 522 yard par 4 played exceptionally long due to the cold and wet playing conditions. Despite the challenging weather the contestants turned in several good drives, but one stood out over the others. Chad Ferrell was in one of the first groups through on Tuesday morning, and set a mark that stood for the rest of the tournament. His 305 yard poke was only .2 yards off the center line. He led in both the distance, and accuracy categories. John Thompson followed up in second with drive of 280, only 2 yards off the center line. And in third was Blair Smith with a drive of 286, and 4 yards off center.
1st Place Chad Ferrell
2nd Place John Thompson
3rd Place Blair Smith
Competitor’s drives were ranked for both distance and accuracy to the target line. All drives were measured by Flightscope’s X2.
The unofficial tee count;
Epoch 146
Wood 86
Other 8

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